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The Leadership Habit for Strategic Leaders

Start your learning journey now, 6 webinars included, and access to extra resources on our platform.
Why do you need this learning program?

Strategic Leaders

Welcome to our extended training program for Strategic Leaders! Strategic leadership is crucial in driving an organization's success by setting a clear vision, making informed decisions, and effectively implementing strategies, but it also presents challenges such as navigating complexity, managing resistance to change, and balancing short-term demands with long-term goals.
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Overview of what's included in this bundle

Here's what you get

6 webinars

6 webinars delivered by our founder Sarah Cherif, based on 20+ years of experience helping thousands of leaders and their teams build superior soft skills

Extra resources

Access to extra resources and cutting-edge content on our platform after the webinar

Daily practice plans

"The problem with most learning programs is that you don't know what to do after the training. With the SkillsGym approach, you have a clear focus on which habits to build and which conversations to have."
Amy Biggers
Learn more about the 6 programs in the extended learning journey for

Strategic Leaders

Click on the covers to learn about each program included in this bundle
Elevate your leadership journey with our Strategic Leaders Training Program, where you'll define clear objectives, master time optimization, inspire with visionary leadership, cultivate high-performing teams, foster an inclusive mindset, and navigate change with unwavering confidence, propelling your career and organization towards unparalleled success.

What you will achieve by following this extended learning journey

Achieve Clear Objectives

In a world of constant change, strategic leaders need to set clear and attainable goals. Craft objectives that align with your vision and organizational priorities. By mastering goal-setting techniques, you'll lead your team towards greater achievements and contribute to the overall success of your organization.

Foster an Inclusive Mindset

Strategic leaders understand the power of an outward mindset – an orientation towards understanding and meeting the needs of others. By adopting an outward mindset, you will make decisions that align with your stakeholders' needs and interests, build strong relationships, and drive sustainable success for the organization.

Collaborative Excellence

Elevate your ability to build high-performing teams by understanding team dynamics and effective communication. You can stop fire-fighting when problems with the team arise; instead, start cultivating an environment that encourages collaboration and excellence.

Navigate Change with Confidence

Leaders must not only adapt but also guide their teams seamlessly through transformations. Learn to navigate uncertainty, mitigate resistance, and lead successful organizational transitions. Become an effective change manager and encourage others to build the meta-skill of dealing with change.

Optimize Your Time Strategically

Time is a valuable asset, and effective leaders know how to manage it strategically. Make sure you're spending time on those areas in which you provide the highest value and encourage others to do the same. By learning to prioritize tasks aligned with strategic goals, you'll enhance productivity and foster a proactive work culture, ensuring every moment contributes to your strategic objectives.

Inspire Others

Visionary leaders are architects of change, steering their organizations towards greatness.Our program empowers you to develop a compelling vision that inspires and mobilizes your team. By mastering the art of leading with vision, you will be prepared to navigate uncertainties, capitalize on opportunities, and provide transformative direction.

What's included?

In this learning journey, we've selected our 6 most in-demand programs for Strategic Leaders

6 programs

Use the 6 programs in this bundle to create a 6-9 month learning journey for yourself, keeping you focused on integrating this skill in your workflow and daily life.

6 webinars

Each module starts with a 1-hour webinar, delivered by our ceo and founder Sarah Cherif.

Extra resources

Following each webinar, you gain access to additional resources related to the content covered on the platform.

Daily practice

There's no need for you to figure out how to apply what you've learned in the workflow. Each program gives you a concrete plan for daily practice, focusing on the smallest habits you need to build, and the conversations you need to be having.

Self- or team-lead approach

You can opt for a fully self-lead approach, going through the program and practicing at your own speed. For optimal impact and building social accountability, we advise you go through the programs together with a buddy or your team.

Total time investment

6 webinars = 6 hours
Extra resources = 6 hours
Daily practice = 15 minutes per week
Duration: 6-9 months (depending on whether you opt for 1 or 2 weeks practice time per module)

Take a step-by-step approach

We believe that for building skills nothing works better than daily practice. 1% better every day, right?! If you really want to excel at giving feedback, we suggest you spread the 6 programs over 6-9 months, building the 3 habits and conversations suggested in each module in daily life.

Meet your trainer

At the kickstart of your 3 - 6 week skills development program, you will follow a webinar delivered by Sarah Cherif, founder and CEO of SkillsGym. Here are a few things you might like to know about her:

Sarah's background

Sarah began her career at the University of Ghent with degrees in child education and philosophy, quickly realizing her passion for teaching. Faced with the challenge of helping seasoned leaders develop soft skills without any prior corporate experience, she turned this disadvantage into a strength by creating evidence-based, sure-proof plans to build strong soft skills through habit formation and impactful conversations.

Personal life

Sarah's roots are Belgian and Tunesian, and she partially grew up in Washington DC. She currently lives in Belgium with her partner Nils (who is co-founder of SkillsGym Health), and has a dog named Lizzy.

20+ years of impact

Together with her SkillsGym team, Sarah has helped numerous world-class organizations like Samsung, Deloitte, Ikea... and thousands of managers and their teams improve their soft skills. SkillsGym now offers programs to accelerate the mastery of 50 essential leadership, team and well-being skills.

Fun fact

Sarah tests all the habits and conversations in the SkillsGym offer herself; that's more than 200+ habits and 200+ conversations. Most of them have become second nature. Yet, as you'll learn in the webinars, she isn't shy to talk about the failures and frustrations along the way.