Become a Certified Leadership Trainer

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Create Your Dream Life as a Leadership Trainer: A Journey from Freelance to Phenomenal
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Imagine your life as a certified SkillsGym trainer: Empowering You to Deliver High-Impact Leadership Development Training for Global Leaders, Offer Hybrid Programs as a Reseller, and Achieve Financial Success.
  • Create true freedom
  • Become a SkillsGym certified leadership trainer
  • Get to a six-figure income in 6 months
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The struggles of being a freelancer are real, but they're also so easy to overcome with the right plan!

Don't miss out on a great career.

"I kicked off my career as a freelance trainer, and every trainer on our team is also a freelancer. So, you could say I get the freelancer life inside out—the rough patches, the challenges, but also the big dreams, the rewards, and all those massive opportunities I see a lot of freelancers are still missing out on."

Program at-a-glance

Become a highly skilled leadership trainer for successful organizations. In this 100 hour certificate program you will:
  • Workshop Delivery: Learn how to deliver engaging, inspiring, and activating leadership and team workshops
  • 40 Proven Programs: Get access to unique and evidence-based leadership and team programs 
  • Business Development Secrets: Learn how to market and sell high-ticket leadership development programs
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Leadership & coaching, Team, Personal Productivity, Communication, Feedback

Do any of the struggles below sound familiar?

You're passionate about soft skills training, armed with expertise and ready to make an impact. Yet, it's challenging to keep your energy high and maintaining a mindset of abundance when every day seems filled with challenges;
  • Finding new clients feels difficult and overwhelming.
  • You feel confident about your (potential) skills as a trainer, but insecure about the business side.
  • You don't know how to charge more for your services.
  • You're struggling to find long-term contracts, leaving you craving security.
  • The best-paying and most interesting development programs seem just out of reach.
  • Despite your expertise, something is holding you back to expand the topics you work around.
  • The dream of generating automated income remains just that - a dream.
  • The loneliness of the journey weighs heavily, as you juggle content design, sales, project management, and delivery, all on your own.
  • You don't have the resources to keep pace with the rapid innovation in content design, visual quality of training materials, and digital products that your clients demand.

No matter your current situation or the hurdles and uncertainties you've faced before, becoming a SkillsGym certified soft skills trainer, you'll be equipped with a solid, forward-looking strategy. This plan will guide you in crafting a career as a leadership trainer or executive coach that's not only deeply satisfying and rewarding but also life-changing.

World Class Companies
Trust SkillsGym to Train Their Leaders and Teams

Elevate your career to new heights by earning your SkillsGym certification, unlocking access to the same training programs trusted by top-tier professionals at the world’s premier companies—this is your direct path to crafting a highly profitable and deeply rewarding freelance training career.

Get all the benefits of having your own training business, without the hassle of building one from the ground up. 

Build your dream life and career, start today.
As a certified trainer with SkillsGym, you have the unique advantage of offering your services at rates comparable to the world's leading training organizations, securing the most engaging, long-term, and highest-paying assignments.
  • All the support you need
  • All the content you need
  • All the business intelligence you need
Advance your career

Apply now & become a certified SkillsGym trainer and affiliate

Imagine your life as a certified SkillsGym trainer: Empowering You to Deliver High-Impact Training for Global Leaders, Offer Hybrid Programs as a Reseller, and Achieve Financial Success.
Need help? Speak with a SkillsGym consultant.
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certification program

Become a certified SkillsGym trainer in 100 hours. You can complete the program at your own pace.

All the content you need

Gain access to 40 ready-to-deliver programs and watch the corresponding on-demand webinars to master their delivery.

All the business intelligence you need

Learn everything you need to know to build your own 6-figure training business in 6 months

All the support you need

Ask us any questions you have about content, training delivery, sales or marketing 

How can becoming a SkillsGym certified trainer change your life and career?

You're investing in a future-proof career

More than 60% of companies plan to increase their L&D spending, and more than 66% of organizations will increase the number of formal learning hours. Senior executives report that their companies are not developing skills fast enough or leaders deep enough. (Prof. Dr. Nick Van Dam, corporate learning & leadership development and Global Chief Learning Office at McKinsey & Company)
So effective trainers will continue to be in high demand, but only if they can offer hybrid training programs, considering that 73% of managers want their digital experiences to be more adaptive (ie. customized), 60% want the experience to be more social and collaborative, and 55% want more experiential learning included. (Josh Bershin, Global Industry Analyst)

You'll be taking a share of a $15 billion market by becoming a high-level trainer

The growth in corporate training expenditure in recent years reflects the recognition of the value and importance of investing in employee development. The corporate soft skills training industry in the US alone is expected to reach US$ 47.16 Billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 12.3% during 2022-2027. With employers spending an average of $1,270 per worker's training, it indicates that budget allocation for soft skills training is not a major constraint.

Position yourself as a leadership trainer or executive coach

Positioning yourself as a freelance trainer, particularly in the domain of leadership development, is a strategic and lucrative decision. Leadership is recognized as a critical, make-or-break factor in an organization's success. Consequently, companies are increasingly prioritizing and investing in leadership development programs. It's our experience that clients allocate a more significant portion of their training budget to developing their leaders than to all other soft skills training for their employees combined.

To underscore the significance of this investment, consider that every year, global organizations spend more than $60 billion on leadership development programs. This immense investment highlights the value placed on effective leadership and the substantial market opportunity for freelance trainers specializing in this area. 

You can stop freelancing and start working for clients directly

Why wouldn't you want to work directly for clients and make at least four times what you would make working as a freelancer for other training organizations?! We provide our trainers with step-by-step strategies and marketing and sales tools to support them. With just a half-day-per-week investment in doing marketing and sales activities, you can build your business quickly and earn anywhere between $10,000 - $40,000 a month by delivering an average of 10 training activities.

Comprehensive support

With $800,000 invested annually, our team covers all bases—from content design to cutting-edge digital products. Alone, the battle is uphill; with us, you're part of an unbeatable team.

Premium Pricing Strategy

Learn how to set your rates from $1,200 to $5,000 for a 1/2 day training activity (depending on group size, and whether you are offering a hybrid solution or not). You'll also find out how to make these fees appear as a bargain to your clients by showcasing the immense value they receive in exchange.

Automated Income Streams

Unlock the potential of automated income by leveraging our digital products, enhancing your training sessions into transformative journeys. This flexible approach allows for personalized learning experiences that cater to different preferences and schedules. By offering these programs, you can provide comprehensive training solutions to organizations. Our trainers charge premium prices for training activities, ranging from $1200 to $5000 for a 1/2 day of delivery. Clients value our programs and understand the reasons behind this premium price point.

Meeting High-Stakes Client Demands

Equip yourself with
  • Cutting-edge evidence-based content
  • A unified method that high-paying clients crave.
  • The security and trust of a proven, globally recognized solution.
  • Digital products to build hybrid training solutions (on-demand, just-in-time, and personalized) that clients are demanding these days

Expand your offer

Freelance trainers often focus on their specialties, but leadership development demands a wider skill set, covering competencies from time management to innovation. At SkillsGym, our trainers excel through our unique teaching method rather than subject matter expertise. We provide all necessary content and exercises.

SkillsGym offers over 50 plug-and-play training programs. With our method, you can deliver any program after just three hours of preparation, supported by our session pre-recordings and comprehensive online resources.

Scale your impact by focusing on Train the Trainer activities, not solely delivery by yourself

Amplify your impact by concentrating on Train the Trainer initiatives, rather than limiting yourself to individual delivery.

Our Train the Trainer approach is very popular amongst our own clients. Using our skill development programs on the platform, leaders and teams can set up their own learning moments. Your job is no longer to deliver all the workshops yourself, but to support the organization and leaders in organizing these self-guided learning activities.

If you're a coach, you're now also a trainer!

Starting as a coach is a great foundation for becoming a trainer at SkillsGym. We value trainers as facilitators, not instructors, and provide support for successful delivery. Our unique training model allows trainers to multiply their impact and income by charging on average 10x more for an hour of training activity compared to coaching sessions.

You can offer your clients a proven method for accelerated soft skills development and habit change

Soft skills are becoming increasingly valuable as automation threatens to replace 40% of jobs by the 2030s. Trainers who can accelerate soft skills development and offer comprehensive solutions will be in high demand. Having step-by-step and evidence-based skill development plans for over 90 skills, along with tested habits and conversations, is a valuable resource for individuals and organizations seeking to accelerate skills mastery.
What's included in the program?

So here's a summary of everything that you get in the SkillsGym Certification program

The 100-Hour Program

Complete the certification program, which allows you to start selling and delivering SkillsGym workshops and reselling the SkillsGym content.

Licensed SkillsGym Affiliate

You are an official reseller of the SkillsGym platform, earning 50% of the revenue generated. You have the flexibility to set your own pricing while considering the minimum pricing requirements.

Ready-to-Deliver Programs

As a skilled trainer, you can deliver any of the 40 workshops available in the SkillsGym offer. Additionally, you will receive all the visual slide decks in Canva, allowing you to utilize and customize the content of the workshops to suit your needs.

40 On-Demand Webinars

Access and experience firsthand the delivery of all programs you'll be licensed to deliver. Experience is the ultimate teacher.

Full Access to Platform

Access to the 40 programs on the SkillsGym platform, allowing you to study, and deliver a wealth of evidence-based content.

Train-the-Trainer Workshop

Join our live Train-the-Trainer workshop with one of our lead trainers, giving you the essential tools to become a top-notch leadership trainer.

Monthly LIVE Q&A with Sarah Cherif

Ask any questions you have on content, training delivery, marketing, and sales to our CEO Sarah Cherif and our team of experts.

Business Accelerator

Access the 4 masterclasses delivered by our business development team on how to build your business with a 1/2 day a week time investment. You will receive a step-by-step strategy and all the marketing and sales materials we use to build our business.

Material You'll Love

We understand the importance of good design and you get to use and customize everything.
 All the visuals for the programs delivered in Canva, ready for use to customize or use
 Marketing and sales toolkit

Weekly Practice Labs

Build your confidence and accelerate your growth by practicing workshop delivery alongside fellow trainers.

Energy Management Program

Join the Energy Management Masterclass with our resident expert Nils Maes and follow the 3-month SkillsGym Health flagship program to expand your most valuable resource as a trainer; your energy!

1 Year-License

Upon certification, you have another full year of access to our platform, all the content, and you can resell our digital solutions to your own clients. 

Start building superior soft skills now.

Discover all our programs, designed by experts, loved by thousands of executives.

  • Leadership & Coaching
  • Feedback
  • Communication
  • Team
  • Productivity
Discover the 40 transformative skills that every certified SkillsGym trainer brings to the table,
equipping you to excel in leadership, building high-performing teams, and personal excellence. 
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Founder of SkillsGym, powered by CUTESolutions

Train live with Sarah Cherif and her team

Sarah Cherif is the founder of SkillsGym and the creator of the Habit Change Method. She started her long career in education at the University of Ghent, but quickly found her passion to be working with organizations to up-skill their people. For almost twenty years, she has been working with hundreds of organizations like Cargill, Deloitte, Euroclear, Ikea and Samsung to build strong people skills.

As a passionate trainer herself and entrepreneur, she brings real-world experience and knowledge to her work. Sarah's background includes a master in Educational Sciences, bachelor in Philosophy, advanced studies Habit Change (with prof. BJ Fogg from Stanford University), Coaching & Mentoring, and Corporate Training & Development.

She is also a sought-after keynote speaker (a.o. SXSW, ATD) on the topic of habit change. With SkillsGym, she is sharing everything that she has learned and opening up her network and business opportunities.
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Meet the team

For the monthly intervision sessions, Sarah will be joined by a rotating member of our expert team, each specializing in key areas such as marketing, sales, and proposal writing. They are eager to share their insights and best practices to support your growth. No matter your concerns or doubts, rest assured, we've navigated these waters before and are here to guide you. Additionally, we will be inviting some of our most accomplished trainers to share their personal success stories. You'll gain firsthand knowledge on how to build your brand, position yourself as a top-tier trainer, boost your income, and tackle the inherent challenges of the training field. We won't claim it's the easiest job, but it is one where you will continually learn, face new challenges, and connect with so many inspiring individuals on a daily basis.
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Become a Certified SkillsGym Trainer Now. 

Here's a summary of everything you are getting during the 100-hour certification program. Deliver all 40+ workshops, and resell all the digital learning solutions.
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This 100-hour certificate program is a combination of on-demand webinars and (optional) live training sessions with Sarah Cherif and peer practice labs. However please note that the entire program can be completed via the recordings, except for the 5 obligatory practice labs, and final demo session. 
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All the support you need

  • 40 on-demand webinars corresponding to the programs you will be licensed to deliver
  • 3-hour live Train the Trainer workshop with Sarah Cherif
  • Monthly live Q&A to answer all your content, business, and delivery related questions with Sarah Cherif and an expert from the team
  • Energy management workshop delivered by our in-house well-being expert Nils Maes, because your energy and composure is one of your greatest assets
  • Weekly practice labs to practice delivering training sessions with our habit- and conversation-focused approach
  • Join a community of world-class trainers; share best practices in delivering training and building your training business

All the content you need

  • Access to 40 ready-to-deliver workshops, evidence-based content, and approved by thousands of execs (NPS score of 90+)
  • 40 on-demand webinars corresponding to the programs you will be licensed to deliver + access to the extra resources on the platform
  • Between 50 - 150+ hours of self-study (depending on how many topics you want to deliver)
  • Monthly live Q&A to answer all your content, business, and delivery related questions
  • Visual decks delivered in Canva for all workshops, ready to be used or customized
  • 1-year access starting upon certification to all the content (40 programs)
  •  Evidence-based method for accelerated mastery of skills through focus on sub-skills and micro-skills

All the business intelligence you need

  • Monthly live Q&A to answer all your content, business, and delivery related questions
  • Business Development Package: 4 masterclasses (Build your Business Toolkit, Personal Branding, Marketing, Winning Proposals), marketing and sales materials and tools, pricing schemes, proposal templates
  • Become a SkillsGym affiliate, get 50% of the sales, and offer your clients cutting-edge digital on-demand learning solutions
Choose The Plan That Best Fits Your Needs

Get Started Now

Top 10

Get access to our most popular programs in one domain
One Single Payment
Access to one program of choice
  • The Leadership Habit: Includes our 10 most popular programs for developing essential leadership skills
  • The Feedback Habit: Includes our 10 most popular programs for developing essential feedback skills
  • The Communication Habit: Includes our 10 most popular programs for developing essential communication skills
  • The Well-being Habit: Includes our 10 most popular programs for developing essential well-being skills

All Content

You want to learn from our proven method for accelerated skills development and habit change, and want immediate access to all of our 40 skills mastery plans.
One Single Payment, or 3 monthly payments of $2,400
Includes all 40 SkillsGym programs
  • 40 programs (including 40 webinars, and access to extra resources for all programs) 
  • 1 year access


You want to become a SkillsGym Certified Leadership Trainer and Affiliate, be licensed to deliver and re-sell our 40 programs, go through the Train the Trainer and Business Mastery program.
One Single Payment, or 5 monthly payments of $2,800
Includes all 40 SkillsGym programs
  • 1 year access to all our programs
  • Certification
  • Authorized reseller, offering blended learning experiences and potential for significant automated revenue.
  • Sales and Marketing Toolkit: all marketing templates, sales tools, and pricing schemes
  • Support: bi-weekly live Q&A, and practice labs
  • Train the Trainer program: Live 1/2 day workshop, 2 online Master Classes, Live Energy & Composure workshop with Nils and bi-weekly coaching
Which offer best fits your needs?

Training Content or Full Certification?

All Content Access

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Immediate Access to All Our Programs

You want to learn from our proven method for accelerated skills development and habit change, and want immediate access to all of our 40 skills mastery plans.
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  • 50 programs (including 40 webinars, and access to extra resources for all programs) - 1 year access
  • The Leadership Habit
  • The Feedback Habit
  • The Communication Habit
  • The Productivity Habit
  • The Well-Being Habit

Full Certification

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4-Month Certification Program

You want to become a SkillsGym Certified Leadership Trainer and Affiliate, be licensed to deliver and re-sell our 50 programs, go through the Train the Trainer and Business Mastery program.
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  • All programs from the Content-Only offer (1-year access)
  • Certification
  • Official reseller of all programs, allowing you to offer your clients hybrid learning journeys, and creating potential for substantial automated income
  • Business Accelerator: 4 Masterclasses empowering you to build your own training business, using the SkillsGym process and tools
  • Sales and Marketing Toolkit: all marketing templates, and tools that we use at SkillsGym to market, promote, and sell our programs
  • Support: bi-weekly live Q&A with the SkillsGym team, and practice labs
  • Train the Trainer program: Live 1/2 day workshop, 2 online Master Classes, Live Energy & Composure workshop with Nils and bi-weekly coaching
The next group starts April 2024

Apply now to secure your spot

$200 Application deposit, then $11,955 in one payment (or $2800 monthly for 5 months)


Apply now

Apply now and place a deposit fully refundable of $200, the application form is going to be sent to you via email.


Review by the team

Your application with be reviewed by our team, to determine if your goals and objectives fit the certification program.



You'll receive a confirmation by email within two working days of your application.


Confirm your spot

If your application is successful, you'll be sent a link to confirm your spot by submitting the remainder of your certification payment minus your deposit.


Deposit refund

If your application is unsuccessful, your $200 deposit will be refunded in full immediately.

Do you have questions?

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Become a certified SkillsGym trainer

Imagine your life as a certified SkillsGym trainer: Empowering You to Deliver High-Impact Training for Global Leaders, Offer Hybrid Programs as a Reseller, and Achieve Financial Success.