Experience SkillsGym

Join our live monthly webinars (they're free), or one of our regular in-person events.
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17/06 - 12 PM CET

Meaningful conversations are an opportunity to learn, instigate change, be inspired, and connect with others who share your interests.

Join this session and start building evidence-based habits for having more meaningful conversations.
Write your awesome label here.

Follow Sarah Cherif on Linkedin

  • Bi-weekly LinkedIn Live episode in which she shares one of her favorite habits
  • Subscribe to her Make it a Habit newsletter; her thoughts, her words.
Next in-person event

SkillsGym Health Experience Day

New dates added regularly

9 am - 4 pm

SkillsGym Health HQ near Ghent

Includes Lunch

Based on 5 pillars of lifestyle medicine, SkillsGym Health is designed to help people build evidence-based habits for stress-management, a sense of connection, nutrition, sleep, and movement.
Experience our offer with Nils and Sarah at our HQ! Including lunch, posture advice, breathing session and cold exposure experience.

Discover our evidence-based well-being offer

SkillsGym Health

Based on 5 pillars of lifestyle medicine, SkillsGym Health is designed to help people build evidence-based habits for stress-management, a sense of connection, nutrition, sleep, and movement.