Live Webinar

Psychological Safety

Monday, September 18th at 12pm

1 hour

Psychological safety is a critical component of keeping a team happy, engaged and productive. Psychological safety is about creating a culture where people feel safe to take risks, raise questions and make mistakes without fear of judgement or punishment.
Join this session and start start building evidence-based habits for building psychological safety in your work environment.
With practical insights, real-world examples, and hands-on experience, this webinar is perfect for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level.

About this webinar

Psychological safety means being able to show one's true self without fear of negative consequences for self-image, status, or career; it also means expressing yourself in a way that doesn't negatively impact others in these regards. It can be defined as a shared understanding that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking. In psychologically safe teams, there will be disagreements, but team members feel accepted and respected when they discuss them. Do you and your coworkers feel safe to speak up? To talk about mistakes? To admit you don't know something or are feeling insecure? Can you speak up when you disagree?

Most of us have some work to do - personally, and as a team - before we can feel free to make valuable contributions and challenge the status quo.
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Join us!

Are you a student, teacher, scientist, young professional, seasoned entrepreneur or CEO? Doesn't matter who you are, you should never stop growing.

Every journey starts with a single step, and every day, we are given numerous opportunities to improve our soft skills. Is there a better way to get ahead than by investing in ourselves? Join this webinar and enjoy the journey!

Meet your webinar hosts

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Sarah Cherif
Founder of SkillsGym

As an admitted learning and development geek and a former start-up entrepreneur, Sarah brings real-world experience and knowledge to her work. Sarah's background includes a master in Educational Sciences, bachelor in Philosophy, advanced studies Habit Change (with prof. BJ Fogg from Stanford University), Coaching & Mentoring, and Corporate Training & Development.

For almost twenty years, she has been working with hundreds of organizations like Cargill, Deloitte, Euroclear, Ikea and Samsung to build strong people skills.
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Bram Doolaege
Trainer and keynote speaker

Bram Doolaege is a seasoned and sought-after keynote speaker, University professor (at UGent and VUB). His specialty is in leadership and spoken, written and change communication; teaching pitching skills for different media organizations (VRT, Medialaan, Mediafin...) and organizations in transition (Deloitte, Proximus, Rabobank...). His style is highly energetic, humoristic and positively challenging.
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