Check out the separate program for


Join this program and start building the skill of boosting your creativity. Learn the basics, have insightful conversations, and use evidence-based daily habits to reinforce the fundamental sub-skills necessary for mastery.
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  • Includes 1 webinar, and extra resources
  • Includes daily practice: 3 habits + 3 conversations
  • Total time investment = 3,5 hours, 3-6 weeks
Soft skills are everything

Why you should follow this program

Creativity is at the heart of innovation and problem-solving. It’s the spark that leads to new ideas, fresh approaches, and breakthrough solutions. In a world where change is constant and challenges are increasingly complex, the ability to think creatively is more valuable than ever. Creativity isn't just for artists or designers—it’s a skill that everyone can cultivate to bring new perspectives to their work and drive meaningful progress in their organization.

 Whether you're looking to solve a problem, develop a new product, or improve a process, harnessing your creative potential can lead to innovative and effective outcomes.

This program will help you discover your creativity, providing you with tools and techniques to think outside the box and approach challenges with a fresh perspective. You'll explore how to foster a creative mindset, overcome common blocks to creativity, and apply creative thinking to real-world situations. By the end of this program, you'll be better equipped to generate original ideas, drive innovation, and contribute to a dynamic, forward-thinking workplace.

Enhanced Decision-Making

In this program, you'll develop the crucial skill of slowing down your thinking process, allowing you to refrain from hasty conclusions. By employing the PMI scan technique pioneered by De Bono, you'll learn to generate a plethora of ideas before making decisions, leading to more informed and innovative choices. Embracing this subskill empowers you to delve deeper into creative possibilities, fostering a mindset that values thoughtful exploration over impulsive judgments.

Unleashing Your Innovation Potential

Delve into the depths of your creativity by reflecting on the drivers for innovation. This program not only helps you identify your innovative capacity but also equips you with tools to boost it. Uncover the synergy within your team, tapping into collective creativity and establishing an environment that nurtures innovation. By embracing Creatrix principles and understanding your unique creativity drivers, you'll unlock the door to a world of innovative possibilities.

Mastering the Art of Inquiry for Breakthrough Solutions

One of the key skills for innovation is asking the right questions. According to product design giant IDEO, the CPRS technique teaches you to ask for understanding, not to push an agenda. By mastering the art of asking good questions, you'll open avenues for creative solutions. This subskill, rooted in design thinking, empowers you to approach challenges with a curiosity that leads to breakthrough innovations. Transform your communication style and problem-solving approach with this essential skill.

Master the Art of Brainstorming

Unleash the power of effective brainstorming with our comprehensive program. Learn to organize and facilitate brainstorm sessions that generate a multitude of ideas, providing your team with a rich pool to filter through. With a focus on practicality and innovation, you'll transform your brainstorming approach and enhance your ability to generate groundbreaking solutions.

Master the skill of creativity

Build the skill, by mastering the sub-skills first.
After the kick-start webinar, you will practice building tiny habits (so small you will have no reason not to do it) in the workflow or in your personal life. You will build this skill habit-by-habit, conversation-by-conversation, focusing on 3 sub-skills.

Sub-skill 1

Week 1 - 2 

Slow down your thinking

Refrain from jumping to conclusions based on the first ideas that come to mind; generate more and better ideas before making decisions using the PMI scan.
#PMIscan #DeBono #CreativeThinking #PostponeYourJudgment

Sub-skill 2

Week 3  - 4  

Reflect on your drivers for innovation

Discover how innovative you and those around are/can be and how you can boost your innovation capacity.
#Creativity #Creatrix #CreativityandRisk-taking #InnovationCapacity #CreativityDrivers #TeamSynergy

Sub-skill 3

Week 5 - 6 


Organize effective brainstorm sessions to create a large number of ideas that the team can filter through and cut down to the best, most innovative, and practical solution. 
#DesignThinking #Brainstorming #BrainstormChecklist #IdeaGeneration

Meet your trainer

At the kickstart of your 3-6 week skills development program, you will follow a webinar delivered by Sarah Cherif, founder and CEO of SkillsGym. Here are a few things you might like to know about her:

Sarah's background

Sarah began her career at the University of Ghent with degrees in child education and philosophy, quickly realizing her passion for teaching. Faced with the challenge of helping seasoned leaders develop soft skills without any prior corporate experience, she turned this disadvantage into a strength by creating evidence-based, sure-proof plans to build strong soft skills through habit formation and impactful conversations.

Personal life

Sarah's roots are Belgian and Tunesian, and she partially grew up in Washington DC. She currently lives in Belgium with her partner Nils (who is co-founder of SkillsGym Health), and has a dog named Lizzy.

20+ years of impact

Together with her SkillsGym team, Sarah has helped numerous world-class organizations like Samsung, Deloitte, Ikea... and thousands of managers and their teams improve their soft skills. SkillsGym now offers programs to accelerate the mastery of 50 essential leadership, team and well-being skills.

Fun fact

Sarah tests all the habits and conversations in the SkillsGym offer herself; that's more than 200+ habits and 200+ conversations. Most of them have become second nature. Yet, as you'll learn in the webinars, she isn't shy to talk about the failures and frustrations along the way.

Ready to go?

Start your skills development program now by clicking the button below.