Check out the separate program for

Advanced presentation skills

Join this program and start building the skill of advanced presentation skills. Learn the basics, have insightful conversations, and use evidence-based daily habits to reinforce the fundamental sub-skills necessary for mastery.
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  • Includes 1 webinar, and extra resources
  • Includes daily practice: 3 habits + 3 conversations
  • Total time investment = 3,5 hours, 3-6 weeks
Soft skills are everything

Why you should follow this program

Are you tired of giving presentations that fail to captivate your audience? Do you want to learn how to leave a lasting impression, convince and inspire others? Our advanced presentation skills program is designed for anyone in the business of influencing others, whether you're an entrepreneur, executive, or simply looking to improve your communication skills.

This program is not about mastering basic presentation skills but rather taking your skills to the next level. You'll learn how to engage your audience, make a powerful impact, and persuade them to take action. Our expert program will teach you proven techniques, from storytelling to pitching and argumentation, to help you connect with your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Transform Your Presentations with TED-Talk Principles

Unlock the secrets behind captivating TED Talks and elevate your public speaking skills. By incorporating universal principles advocated by TED curator Chris Anderson, you'll learn to craft compelling content, master the art of storytelling, and become the central messenger in any presentation. This program provides a unique opportunity to infuse your presentations with the charisma and effectiveness exemplified by the world's most influential speakers.

Sharpen Your Message Clarity Using the Pyramid Principle

Discover the power of the Pyramid Principle, pioneered by Barbara Minto, to structure your presentations for maximum impact. Learn how to present large amounts of information without overwhelming your audience by prioritizing key messages through a structured approach. With this skill, you'll strike the perfect balance between detail and clarity, ensuring that your audience not only listens but comprehends and retains your valuable insights.

Master the Art of Pitching for Lasting Impressions

Pitching is an art, and in this program, you'll learn the techniques that make your pitches unforgettable. From crafting persuasive narratives to delivering compelling arguments, you'll gain the expertise needed to leave a lasting impression on your audience. Whether you're pitching ideas, products, or yourself, this training will equip you with the skills to stand out and be remembered.

Elevate Your Presentation Game with a Conversational Edge

Incorporate a conversational tone into your presentations to establish a deeper connection with your audience. This program emphasizes the importance of being concise, engaging, and relatable in your communication style. By adopting a conversational approach, you'll captivate your audience, making your presentations not just informative but also enjoyable and memorable.

Master the skill of having advanced presentation skills

Build the skill, by mastering the sub-skills first.
After the kick-start webinar, you will practice building tiny habits (so small you will have no reason not to do it) in the workflow or in your personal life. You will build this skill habit-by-habit, conversation-by-conversation, focusing on 3 sub-skills.

Sub-skill 1

Week 1 - 2 

Apply TED-talk principles to your presentations

Use the universal principles of good TED TALKS to become better at public speaking.
#TedTalk #PresentationSkills #ChrisAnderson #JustOneIdea #CompellingContent #Story #BetheCentralMessenger #BeConversational #BeConcise

Sub-skill 2

Week 3  - 4  

Structure your messages for clarity

Use the Pyramid Principle for structuring large quantities of information and keeping the key messages clear without sacrificing attention to detail.
#PyramidPrinciple #BarbaraMinto #ConclusionsFirst

Sub-skill 3

Week 5 - 6 

Master the art of pitching

Present your who you are and what you (want to) do concisely and convincingly, so that your idea, message or product – no matter what it is – can reach the stars.
#Pitching #AriBlenkhorn #5-secondPitch #30-secondPitch #5-minutePitch 

Meet your trainer

At the kickstart of your 3-6 week skills development program, you will follow a webinar delivered by Sarah Cherif, founder and CEO of SkillsGym. Here are a few things you might like to know about her:

Sarah's background

Sarah began her career at the University of Ghent with degrees in child education and philosophy, quickly realizing her passion for teaching. Faced with the challenge of helping seasoned leaders develop soft skills without any prior corporate experience, she turned this disadvantage into a strength by creating evidence-based, sure-proof plans to build strong soft skills through habit formation and impactful conversations.

Personal life

Sarah's roots are Belgian and Tunesian, and she partially grew up in Washington DC. She currently lives in Belgium with her partner Nils (who is co-founder of SkillsGym Health), and has a dog named Lizzy.

20+ years of impact

Together with her SkillsGym team, Sarah has helped numerous world-class organizations like Samsung, Deloitte, Ikea... and thousands of managers and their teams improve their soft skills. SkillsGym now offers programs to accelerate the mastery of 50 essential leadership, team and well-being skills.

Fun fact

Sarah tests all the habits and conversations in the SkillsGym offer herself; that's more than 200+ habits and 200+ conversations. Most of them have become second nature. Yet, as you'll learn in the webinars, she isn't shy to talk about the failures and frustrations along the way.

Ready to go?

Start your skills development program now by clicking the button below. 
Webinar coming soon.