Managing stress & energy
Welcome to our Managing Stress and Energy training program! In today's fast-paced digital age, finding a sense of calm, joy, and abundant energy can seem elusive. But it's not about luck—it's about design. In this groundbreaking program inspired by science-based programs for stress and energy management, we shift the focus from managing time to managing energy, unlocking the key to enduring high performance, health, happiness, and life balance. Join us as we delve into practical, scientifically based strategies to mobilize key energy sources, balance expenditure with renewal, expand capacity, and create positive energy management rituals for lasting change.
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Overview of what's included in this bundle
Here's what you get
3 webinars
Extra resources
Daily practice plans
"The problem with most learning programs is that you don't know what to do after the training. With the SkillsGym approach, you have a clear focus on which habits to build and which conversations to have."
Amy Biggers
Learn more about our top 3 programs for
Stress & Energy
Click on the covers to learn about each program included in this bundle
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What's included?
3 programs
Use the 3 programs in this bundle to create a 3 - 4,5 month learning journey for yourself, keeping you focused on integrating this skill in your workflow and daily life.
3 webinars
Each module starts with a 1-hour webinar, delivered by our ceo and founder Sarah Cherif.
Extra resources
Following each webinar, you gain access to additional resources related to the content covered on the platform.
Daily practice
There's no need for you to figure out how to apply what you've learned in the workflow. Each program gives you a concrete plan for daily practice, focusing on the smallest habits you need to build, and the conversations you need to be having.
Self- or team-lead approach
You can opt for a fully self-lead approach, going through the program and practicing at your own speed. For optimal impact and building social accountability, we advise you go through the programs together with a buddy or your team.
Total time investment
3 webinars = 3 hours
Extra resources = 3 hours
Daily practice = 15 minutes per week
Duration: 3 - 4,5 months (depending on whether you opt for 1 or 2 weeks practice time per module)
Extra resources = 3 hours
Daily practice = 15 minutes per week
Duration: 3 - 4,5 months (depending on whether you opt for 1 or 2 weeks practice time per module)
Take a step-by-step approach
We believe that for building skills nothing works better than daily practice. 1% better every day, right?! If you really want to excel at giving feedback, we suggest you spread the 3 programs over 3 - 4,5 months, building the 3 habits and conversations suggested in each module in daily life.
Meet your lead trainer
At the kickstart of your 3-4,5 week skills development program, you will follow a webinar delivered by Nils Maes, co-founder of SkillsGym Health. Here are a few things you might like to know about him:
Nils' background
Nils is a versatile individual who began his journey as a professional athlete, excelling as a ballet dancer at the London and Paris Opera houses before honing his skills in martial arts during a two-year stint at a Sports University in China. Transitioning from athleticism, he ventured into entrepreneurship, owning a gym for two years before leveraging his expertise to spearhead the well-being programs for SkillsGym Health at SkillsGym two years ago.
Personal life
Nils embodies the principles of our SkillsGym Health programs in his daily life. His routine includes tailored workouts, breathwork, and cold exposure, leveraging his expertise as a certified Wim Hof instructor. Additionally, he prioritizes quality time with his partner Sarah and his son. To maintain his sanity, Nils seeks solace in nature in his beloved 4x4, preferably exploring the wilderness in Alaska.
20+ years of impact
SkillsGym Health uses the same habit-focused method that has become synonymous with SkillsGym's approach. This method has assisted numerous world-class organizations such as Samsung, Deloitte, and Ikea, along with thousands of managers and their teams, in enhancing their soft skills. Now, SkillsGym extends its expertise by offering programs designed to expedite the mastery of 50 essential leadership, team, and well-being skills.
Fun fact
Fun fact about Nils: Despite his reputation as a disciplined athlete committed to his daily routine, he also embraces the 70% rule for building a healthy lifestyle. Nils believes in sticking to good habits 70% of the time while indulging in less healthy choices for the remaining 30%, adding balance and flexibility to his approach. We'll leave it up to him to share more about that 30% in his programs!